Story Sharing circles are inspired by the ancient practice of sitting around the fire and sharing stories. We each have a story to share that brings our unique voice into a shared human experience. Each circle begins with a brief mindfulness mediation, followed by prompted story sharing and reflections from the heart.

Thursdays, June 1-July 6, 6-8pm (pst). In person

In these series of workshops, we will bring mindfulness and heart into sharing stories with one another. Each meeting will have a unique prompt for a story, which can be told as is or in metaphor. We will share the stories with each other and offer reflections of our appreciation and/or or how it touched us on a personal level.

* We will reflect on the meaning and emotional quality as we witness and listen with the ears and eyes of the heart, there will be no critique of the quality of stories. All participation is optional and voluntary - you are welcome to share or just be present, listen and/or reflect.

Facilitated by Marion.

Location: tbd in Marin County